Overall I'm pleased with how the body's holding up having been fairly relentless this year, whether it's still in one piece come the end of October may be a different story. This week I've only done one run of 9 miles into work and felt pretty good. Going to run along the Sandstone Trail near where I live in Cheshire tomorrow for 20 miles which poses it's own particular bovine challenges as I found out the other week.
Will then put in around 70 miles next week before easing off for the race. Admittedly I find it difficult to judge just how much I should be training, especially with 4 ultras in 4 months coming up. When something breaks it'll be a result of either too much or not enough I guess!
If you feel like it is going well - carry on and if it all hurts start walking and have a few days on the couch - that works for me! Don't over train as you need to work up to these miles - and you know you can walk faster than being too tired to carry on!!! Sounds like it is all going well so far... Keep running further