Unfortunately during the High Peak 40 I developed a painful knee that prevented me from doing any running until a week before RRR. This meant that my primary objective for the race was to survive intact (or at least get far enough round the course before injury that I'd be able to hobble to the finish).
Having taken the great decision to stay the previous night in a nearby hotel I lined up for the 7am start not unduly tired and looking forward to a good long day's running. The first few miles were unevenful if a bit dull and I was able to settle into a decent rhythm. Around 18 miles in my lack of preparation was beginning to show mentally with lots of "why bother?" questions that I tried to ignore. Thankfully the frequent checkpoints were brilliant, where you could sit whilst lots of volunteers were dispensing food and drinks, although the chairs were very difficult to get out of at times!

Together we looked to be on course for a 10 hour time but managed to take a wrong turn between the last checkpoint and the finish and eventually got directions from a local who unfortunately I need to apologise to for saying he was winding us up when he said how far the finish was! Eventually we did make it to the hall where there was welcome hot food, drinks and even tea cakes. Best of all though was the feeling of achievement - managed to keep me satisfied for all of a week!
As it happened, the following weekend I was in Venice for a holiday and to take part in a marathon I had signed up for back in March. I had planned on skipping the run but as I had survived RRR intact I thought I'd go to the well one more time... A mistake really - was running pretty well until 19 miles then my legs just had enough and ended up crawling home in 3:43. Disappointing for sure but I'm thinking my days of road racing are numbered - tarmac is pretty unforgiving!
Thanks to all at Runfurther for all their great support this year and the opportunity to run with them in these fantastic races! Next year I'm hoping to continue running long and maybe attempt a 100 miler... unbelieveable!
Well done for Venice! Very impressive to run a marathon only a week after Rotherham. I have to agree about the road running......and much more fun off the road!